Learn How to Set Up your own Events or Seminar Business & Start Banking HUGE PROFITS … No Experience Required.

Have you ever thought about running your own events & seminar business? 

The events industry is estimated to be worth over £40 BILLION in the UK alone!

This course will show you how to take advantage of this growing, profitable market even if you don’t know anything about the events industry right now!

There are over 1.3 million business events held in the UK annually.

You can set up and run events on ANY SUBJECT that people want to learn about and they WILL pay good money to attend. 

This is easy to do and you don’t even need to know anything about the seminar topic, or even speak at your own event in order to create AND generate a profit from it! 

This guy became a MILLIONAIRE from running an annual 2-day Seminar .. on …CARPET CLEANING!

A well known US marketer, who started out in the carpet cleaning industry, hosted an annual seminar for carpet cleaning business owners. The tickets were priced at $2,000. Every year the event sold out its allocation of 500 tickets, and every year, without fail, he made a cool $1 MILLION gross profit from the seminar!

Seminars can be based around a profession, interest or hobby … 

Here are just a few success stories from people who have used our ‘Profit From Events’ blueprint.

Richard McMunn, a former student of the Internet Business School,  who has made millions from his ‘How to Become’  series of career guides, now frequently hosts 1-day seminars teaching people the skills they need to achieve career success such as ‘How to become a Police Officer’. 

Luca –  organised a chess seminar for children and generated over £2,000. 

Ben –  made £6,654 from his first-ever 1-day seminar

David –  sold 160 tickets at £297 for a 1-day event, making him £47,520

The business of providing seminars has the potential to earn an individual Huge Profits and quickly! … AND .. the best thing is ANYONE can do this.

Getting a lot of people in the one-room paying to hear what you or your speakers have to say is one of the easiest ways to make a lot of money! For example…

Let’s say you price your 1-day seminar at £297 …

50 people paying £297 to attend = £14,850 for 1 day’s work

and .. what about a 3-day event?

50 people paying £2,000 to attend = £100K IN JUST 3 DAYS! 

3-day events are hugely popular, in various industries. There is a number of companies running property investment seminars charging around £2,000 for a weekend training course.

Can you imagine how many £27 e-Books you’d have to sell to make that kind of income! The profits you can make from just one seminar can be HUGE.

The bottom line is …

Events & Seminars are a secret shortcut for generating massive wealth and this course will show you how you can cash in on this market also!

Our updated and exciting information-packed course ‘PROFIT FROM EVENTS & SEMINARS’, will give you all the latest tools, strategies and skills you need to confidently set up and run your own highly profitable events business. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 

We can show you how to organise a seminar with ZERO financial risks and how to add additional revenue opportunities during your event to ensure profits!

You can start this course as a complete beginner, knowing nothing at all about events and seminars and at the end of this course, you will have all the expertise, tools, and strategies you need to run your own profitable seminars, just like a pro!

(see course participant feedback below)

PLUS… You will get our step-by-step, proven blueprint for generating massive profits from Events & Seminars!

BUT… a Word of Warning …

Making more money with a lot less effort is what we all dream about and events provide you with a shortcut to fast and easy profits .. BUT… you need to know how to do this properly.

It is very easy to waste money if you don’t know what you are doing with events and seminars and even easier to LOSE money if you don’t know how to get ‘bums on seats’!

You NEED to know …
  how to create an event that sells

  how to manage and market your seminar

  how to find out exactly what your audience wants

  how to deliver your seminar in the most engaging way possible

  how to do all this in the most profitable way possible!  

So studying this course is a MUST if you want to learn from the experts and ensure your event is profitable even before you host it.

About Your Instructors

Simon Coulson MBA & Owner Of Internet Business School, Speaker, Coach & Seminar Business Owner

Simon has generated over £25M from internet businesses in the UK, with over £3 MILLION being from his seminar-based businesses alone. He runs 2 seminar-based companies one in the ‘Internet Marketing’ training space and one in the ‘Self Development’ market. 

He has organised literally hundreds of seminars and workshops and had 10’s of thousands of customers to those seminars. To fast track his learning he even invested in a seminar company to learn more about the business. He has since organised successful events around the world including places like Australia, South Africa and Malaysia to mention a few.

Simon has also become an established public speaker on Internet Marketing and has spoken around the world to audiences of up to 7,000 including at Business Shows, educational establishments including Oxford University and the London O2 Arena. He has shared the stage with world-renowned experts including former USA President Bill Clinton, Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar, James Caan, Caprice, Mike Harris, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, Bill Glazer, Bob Proctor. This has also given him the ‘inside track’ on how these massive seminars are organised.

“I generated £19,000 pure PROFIT from the very first seminar I hosted.” – Simon Coulson


Jay Hastings Seminar Organiser, Speaker and Internet Business Coach

Jay Hastings formerly worked in customer services for a housing association. After being trained by the Internet Business School Jay quickly set up an Affiliate Marketing business which quickly eclipsed his salary and enabled him to leave full-time employment forever.

Jay then set up his own Digital Marketing Agency and won client accounts worth ‘000s per month.

Due to his incredible success, Jay then started teaching and coaching Internet Marketing Strategies too and has run his own weekly events across the UK for several years.

Jay now also gets the opportunity to speak on huge stages of up to 2000 people providing training and sharing his inspiring story.

Jay has mastered strategies for filling events using portal sites such as ‘Meetup’ and ‘Eventbrite’ and will be sharing his strategies during this course.

Course Programme

How To Choose A Topic For Your Seminar

– How to find out what are the hot markets
 – How to set your agenda
 – How to find out EXACTLY what your audience wants
 – How to make sure your seminar sells out

Venue Selection

 – What factors are important in selecting a venue
 – What prices should you pay
 – How can you get the best possible price
 – What are the hidden extras that can catch you out
 – Should you include Teas, Internet, Parking?
 – Room hire formats and which one is best to use for your seminar

Audio/ Visual Equipment

 – What do you need to run your seminar
 – What kinds of projectors are there, should you prepare your materials in 4:3 or 16:9
 – Why you should never hire a projector from a venue
 – How radio microphones work and what you need
 – How to get the best deal if you are hiring in equipment
 – How you can buy your own seminar equipment for a fraction of what you might expect
 – How to stream your seminar live on the internet and sell the ‘streamed’ version too
 – Filming your seminars

Finding Speakers

 – How to find professional speakers for your event
 – How do get them to speak for FREE
 – How to check your presenters content BEFORE they speak

Preparing Your Presentation Delivery

–  Pros and Cons of Powerpoint Vs Keynote
 – Templates and font/style selection
 – How to add animations to your slides
 – How to embed videos and audio in your slides
 – Where to get amazing presentation templates

How To Fill Rooms

 – How to get advance bookings
 – 3 websites you can use to generate queues of clients
 – How to use joint venture partners
 – How to use webinars
 – How to use telesales
 – How to use Facebook marketing
  – How to use Google re-marketing

Selling Tickets

 – Creating your sales page
 – Integrating online payments

Legal Considerations

 – Insurance
 – Electrical equipment
 – Legal disclaimers
 – Public liability
 – Professional indemnity

Seminar Management

 – Registration
 – Signage
 – Joining instructions
 – Dealing with issues
 – Sales tables
 – Refreshments
 – Staffing
 – Feedback forms
 – How to organise your seminar so you have ZERO financial risk

Who Is This Training Event For? 

This event is for anyone who is a COACH, TRAINER or EXPERT and wants to learn how to run their own profitable seminars. OR for ANYONE THAT WANTS TO ORGANISE SEMINARS and generate an additional revenue stream from promoting other people’s expertise. Learning how to set up your own seminar business properly and knowing how to promote yourself or others is one of the most lucrative skills you can learn these days and is definitely a shortcut for generating wealth!

Learn How to Set-Up & Run Your Own Events Business & Get Our Step-by-Step Proven Blueprint To Generate Events Profits Quickly.

Course Participant Feedback

” … it’s absolutely brilliant” 

” … I can’t wait to implement”

” … if you’re thinking about running seminars, this is the place to start”

” … more than paid for itself already!”

” … a complete toolbox for everything you need to put a seminar together”

” … my ah-ha moment was …”

Instant Online Access £297


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